(def handle-request-thread (i o ip) (with (nls 0 lines nil line nil responded nil t0 (msec)) (after (whilet c (unless responded (readc i)) (if srv-noisy* (pr c)) (if (is c #\newline) (if (is (++ nls) 2) (with ((type op args n cooks) (parseheader (rev lines)) headers (headerlines (rev lines))) (let t1 (msec) (case type get (build-response o op args cooks ip headers) post (handle-post i o op args n cooks ip headers) (respond-err o "Unknown request: " (car lines))) (log-request type op args cooks ip t0 t1) (set responded))) (do (push (string (rev line)) lines) (wipe line))) (unless (is c #\return) (push c line) (= nls 0)))) (close i o))) (harvest-fnids)) (def handle-post (i o op args n cooks ip headers) (if srv-noisy* (pr "Post Contents: ")) (if (no n) (respond-err o "Post request without Content-Length.") (let line nil (whilet c (and (> n 0) (readc i)) (if srv-noisy* (pr c)) (-- n) (push c line)) (if srv-noisy* (pr "\n\n")) (build-response o op (+ (parseargs (string (rev line))) args) cooks ip headers)))) (= nfheader* "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection: close") (def build-response (str op args cooks ip headers) (w/stdout str (respond (inst 'request 'args args 'cooks cooks 'ip ip 'op op 'str str 'headers headers)))) (def static-file (op) (file-exists (string staticdir* op))) (def respond (req) (iflet f (srvops* req!op) (if (redirector* req!op) (do (prn rdheader*) (prn "Location: " (f req!str req)) (prn)) (do (prn header*) (awhen (max-age* req!op) (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it)) (f req!str req))) (let filetype (static-filetype req!op) (aif (and filetype (static-file req!op)) (do (prn (type-header* filetype)) (awhen static-max-age* (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it)) (prn) (w/infile i it (whilet b (readb i) (writeb b)))) (respond-not-found req))))) (def respond-not-found (req) (prn nfheader*) (prn) (prn unknown-msg*)) (def headerlines (lines) (trues [only.cdr ((scheme regexp-match) "^([-a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]*:[ \t]*(.*)" _)] cdr.lines))
This is a modification of a few functions in arc3.1 srv.arc:
, and respond
is now called with the req object as its single argument. This means that new op’s can be implemented easily by extending respond
.This hack depends on arc3.1 and scheme0.
Same as Arc.