(= json-true (match-literal "true" t)) (= json-false (match-literal "false" nil)) (= json-null (match-literal "null" nil)) (= json-number-char (match [find _ ".-+eE1234567890"])) (= json-number (with-result cs (many1 json-number-char) (coerce (string cs) 'num))) (def hexdigit (c) (and (isa c 'char) (or (<= #\a c #\f) (<= #\A c #\F) (<= #\0 c #\9)))) (= fourhex (must "four hex digits required after \\u" (with-seq (h1 (match hexdigit) h2 (match hexdigit) h3 (match hexdigit) h4 (match hexdigit)) (coerce (int (coerce (list h1 h2 h3 h4) 'string) 16) 'char)))) (def json-backslash-char (c) (case c #\" #\" #\\ #\\ #\/ #\/ #\b #\backspace #\f #\page #\n #\newline #\r #\return #\t #\tab (err "invalid backslash char" c))) (= json-backslash-escape (seq2 (match-is #\\) (alt (seq2 (match-is #\u) fourhex) (fn (p) (return cdr.p (json-backslash-char car.p)))))) (= json-string (on-result string (seq2 (match-is #\") (must "missing closing quote in JSON string" (seq1 (many (alt json-backslash-escape (match [isnt _ #\"]))) (match-is #\")))))) (= json-array (seq2 (match-is #\[) (optional (cons-seq forward.json-value (many (seq2 (skipwhite:match-is #\,) (must "a comma must be followed by a value" forward.json-value))))) (must "a JSON array must be terminated with a closing ]" (skipwhite:match-is #\])))) (= json-object-kv (with-seq (key skipwhite.json-string colon (must "a JSON object key string must be followed by a :" (skipwhite:match-is #\:)) value (must "a colon in a JSON object must be followed by a value" forward.json-value)) (list key value))) (= json-object (on-result listtab (seq2 (match-is #\{) (comma-separated json-object-kv "comma must be followed by a key") (must "a JSON object must be terminated with a closing }" (skipwhite:match-is #\}))))) (= json-value (skipwhite:alt json-true json-false json-null json-number json-string json-array json-object)) (def fromjson (s) (iflet (p r) (json-value (coerce s 'cons)) (do (if p (err "Unexpected characters after JSON value" (coerce p 'string))) r) (err:string "not a JSON value: " s)))